For complete information about our parade, please visit ! You may also visit pages 9 and 88 of the Cochranton Community Fair Book for information on the float contest, our sponsors, and other information.
Our fun-filled parade is always held on Wednesday evening during fair week. Deadline to apply to participate in the parade is always July 15. If you would like to be added to the parade's mailing list, please send your name, mailing address, and email address to: [email protected] . Line-up begins at 5:00PM for registered participants. Float entries should follow the Float Contest Rules on page 71 of the Cochranton Community Fair Book. Please remember that walk-ins are not permitted. Thanks!
The 2019 parade them IS "Growing Our Future" Date: Wednesday, August 7, 2019 Time: Step-off at 6:30PM Please join us, bring a lawn chair, and enjoy the evening watching the parade! Visit the fair before and after the parade so that you don't miss a thing!
Christmas Tree Lane details are available on the parade's website . The event, as always, is held the weekend prior to Thanksgiving. Christmas Tree Lane is THE fund-raising event for the Cochranton Community Fair Parade.